Frequently Asked Questions

Yes you can! We suggest you, at first you check the quality by getting a free trial about one or two images before placing the order.

Of course, you can relax about the topic. It's personalized, highly secured and will only be shared between CPE staff & “YOU”.

100% Guarantee for security. We have a secure data center and a firewall configured. And our local PCs had virus protection.

We are professional. We don’t disclose/share any of the images you order. If you wish, we can sign the NDA paper.

We accept the following format to be use on photo editing: PSD, JPG, JPEG, TIFF, TIF, PNG, DMG, GIF, PDF

It’s really easy to get quoted about the job you want to place. Just use our Free Trial form, fill them up and send your images with the instruction. Really we will reply within a short time as soon as possible.

Though there is a bounding to upload the images through a web form to email. You can attach up to 2 images in Free Trial form and the maximum size of each file should be 5 MB. If you have a bigger file than 5MB you will need to use the FTP system.

We work in a limited time in a day (9-12 hours) and 6 days in a week. Friday is our Weekend. But our customer service is always alert. Try us!

It depends on the job’s quantity and image complexity. We usually take 12 -16 hours to complete the job. If we need further times to be complete the job, we will inform you

For a small amount of images, you can use to ( And for large volumes you’ve to use the FTP system.

Yes! It’s a good question about the completed jobs. But it is very rare to talk about our work. Because, we proceed with your work by highly skilled DTP professionals. In case, if you find any problem with our work please claim us by writing an email at once and we will observe and effort our superior to fix it within the duration time without extra cost. However, if you are still not satisfied with the work we did. We don’t charge you for anything.

Yes, sure, we’ve dedicated the Quality Control Department (Q.C Dept) to check the image for its quality. We don’t deliver any single image without being checked by our Q.C Dept.

Absolutely, there are so many clients who send us ongoing projects over the week/month/year. If you turn, you can also have a weekly or monthly payment plan

Since its being situated in a low labor cost area (Bangladesh), we are mostly able to provide a very competitive rate for your job considering high quality tasks.

It is not important to pay before the work is done. At first you expect your completed work and make some observing on it. Then if you are happy with the completed work, we will send you an invoice with all the details. Our acceptable payment methods are Paypal, MasterCard,Bank Transfer.